About Us


JAZZistry’s story begins 400 years ago in colonial America when musical traditions were carried to the New World in the hearts of enslaved West Africans. From there they were integrated with Native American, European and Latin musical traditions – creating new musical forms that are uniquely American. Jazzistry encompasses the evolution of America’s music, demonstrating the multicultural integration that created our rich and unique culture.

Jazzistry musicians tell the story of America’s cultural, racial, and musical history through an exciting  multi-media musical presentation….and it’s LIVE!

We take students on a swinging musical tour through time and space, journeying through four centuries and across four continents, turning school auditoriums into multicultural musical time machines. This interactive multimedia program literally swings through an unforgettable history lesson that excites learning and connects students to our shared American heritage.

The flexibility and virtuosity of our Jazzistorians means that all shows are adapted to suit the age, knowledge-base, or special interests of the audience. It is a program that delights, educates and inspires ALL audiences!

Vincent York's JAZZistry is a 501-c3 non-profit organization supported by grants, fund-raising, corporate and foundation co-sponsors. We are also supported by a large, dedicated group of volunteers and donors whom we value greatly.