JAZZistry Oral History Project: The Blue LLama Interviews, vol. 1: Vincent York's Inspirations

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See how JAZZistry spent the Pandemic Lock-Down. We have been recording oral histories in the fabulous Blue LLama Club with Vincent York and others, Here is the first installment of Vincent’s Life… after a 5 minute intro to Jazzistry from our original tape. Then, Vincent is interviewed by Linda Yohn and tells tales from his childhood in the orange groves of Florida through his college years. Hear great tales of the greatest musicians on the Chitlin; Circuit with Vincent’s Dad, bandleader Tiny York. Captioned. (2021, 52 mins,)

View the LIVE Jazz Concert from International Jazz Day 2021

Vincent York's International Jazz Day 2021 Concert at Kerrytown Concert House. During intermission, York receives the Ron Brooks Award from SEMJA, the South East Michigan Jazz Association for outstanding contributions to jazz in our state.

View this rare Art Film from 2009: A CLOSER WALK WITH
Starring Vincent York and the ruins of the Detroit's Michigan Central Train Station prior to its renovation.

A rare combination of jazz. history and artistry this short film, stars It is a double portrait of two old souls. By Yi Cui, 2009. 12 minutes. 

Historic "Soundie" of Our Own Alma Smith in Five Salted Peanuts – 1945

When the record companies renewed production after World War 2, they produced “soundies” to promote their groups. The short, one-song clips were shown in movie theaters before the main feature. Here’s our own Countess of the Blues, Alma Smith, delightful as usual, in 1945 with her band, The Counts & The Countess. Alma became a renowned Detroit Blues pianist and singer with an international career. Alma was the founding pianist with Jazzistry and had a magnetic connection to kids. We miss our dear Countess. We know you are swinging with the other angels, Alma!